Sensei Michael held an Iai-Jutsu Course at the Academy on Saturday 20th January.
BJJAGB members from all round the UK attended the course and were instructed on the following areas of Sword practice.
Tying of the Hakama & Etiquette
Torei – Presentation and wearing the sword
Nukitsuke – Drawing, Kiritsuke – Cutting, Chiburi – Shaking off blood, Noto – Returning the Sword to the Saya
Happo no Kamae (Stances) & Happo no Giri (Cutting)
Sensei Michael then demonstrated all 12 elements of the Seitei Iai Kata, then the kneeling sections of the Kata were taught to and then practiced by the group
Datto – Depresentation of the Sword
Sensei Michael has received great feedback from all attendees and we hope you will join us on our next course which is Okinawan Sai on Saturday 21st April