Coaches should:
- Accept that the primary aim of Mind Body Spirit Martial Arts Academy is to provide students with the opportunity to enjoy themselves through participating in Martial Arts and enhance the spirit of the arts through the Black Belt Code of Conduct and this Coaches Charter.
- Respect the rights, dignity and value of each & every person within the context of the Martial Arts.
- Ensure the student’s health, safety and welfare are paramount and are made more important than individual or team performance.
- Adhere fully to the Club Constitution, Coaches Charter, Policies & Procedure and to the rules of the BJJAGB.
- Develop an appropriate, co-operative working relationship with all students based on mutual trust and respect.
- Encourage and guide all students to accept responsibility for the own performance and behaviour
- Ensure that any activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the students.
- Make clear to every student, parent and carer, exactly what is required of them and what they are entitled to in return
- Co-operate fully with other coaches, managers, officials and specialists (eg. Doctors and Physiotherapists) regarding the duty of care of students
- Promote adherence to the rules of Mind Body Spirit Martial Arts Academy, fair play and sportsmanship to students, parents and spectators consistent with Black Belt ethics and values
- Never condone violations of the laws of the sport, behaviour contrary to the spirit of these laws or other relevant codes of conduct, or the use of prohibited substances or techniques.
- Consistently display high standards of behaviour and act as a positive role model for all students, parents and spectators